Interclub RCG Guadalmina vs El Paraiso


We played the annual matches Tuesday October 1st at el Paraiso and the return match at Guadalmina south course Tuesday the 8th. Guadalmina won 4:2 at el Paraiso and 4½:1½ at home – total 8½:3½. Both days were with beautiful weather, golf courses in super shape, good food nice company so what else do you need to make a perfect day? – It was the 21st year the two clubs played the match and the result is 13:8 in favor of Guadalmina. – The trophy was lost somehow but Ignacio saved us by providing a new one with 20 engraved plates in no time, which could be handed over to the Guadalmina team by the Captain from el Paraiso at the meal in Guadalmina. – Thank you Ignacio!
The winning team from Guadalmina was, Jose Duarte, Theo Ravenstein, Javier Perez de Leza, Antonio Gil Gil, Olaf Eie, Mats Liss-Daniels, Kristian Bergland, Paul Heaton, Sam Gardezi, Pedro Irujo, Hans Kaiser, Joe Llewellyn and Lars Torp (Captain).

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