Great performance of our Pros in The Gecko

In the Gecko Pro Tour Tournament held in the North and South Courses of Guadalmina, among the 19 qualified for the final round of three professionals and one amateur Noemi Jiménez, Juan Carlos Osorio, Daniel Osorio and Marcus Svensson (A), came from our Golf School of in the case of professionals and in the case of Marcus, competes representing our Club.

We are very proud to highlight the second place for Noemi, with – 11 hits in three days and Juan Carlos Osorio – 9, tied with several players for third place, and Juan Carlos and Marcus finishing in the T10.

You can see the result of the Tournament, and the Scorecards by clicking on the following link.

And a video of the event at

All professional praised both the great organization and the State of our courses.

Congratulations to all and continue working!!

noemi gecko.jpgresultado gecko.pdfresultado gecko.pdf