Guadalmina successful in national ranking tournament

April 23-24 weekend was played the Junior Andalusian Circuit valid for both Andalusian and national rankings in Almeria in Playa Serena.

26 children from our school were registered and finally 24 participated in the trip organized by the Club.

Thanks to the club for their support and to our director of school Castor Gomez and the Organization of Salva Ruiz whom accompany and encourage the children on this trip.

Congratulations to all for their behavior and effort outside and within the course, and in particular to

Alex Field Jiménez and Álvaro Mueller-Baumgart. Cadet and Infantil champions respectively. 

On the girl’s side, there were 2 excellent 3rd places by

Elena Pany (Cadet) and Alejandra Sánchez de la Fuente (infant).

The same weekend, in Isla Canela Golf , a tournament of new creation that Isla Canela club has welcomed with great enthusiasm and in which smaller Andalusian golf players have enjoyed two days of great golf and more fun, where the first classified handicap has been Gonzalo de Miñon (Real Club de Golf Bella Vista ) and Lucia Morales (Real Club de Golf Guadalmina) tied with a net score of 5 under par.


more informatio web site of R.F.G.A.

Puntuable de Playa Serena: 


Gran Premio Benjamín de Isla Canela:
