New Competition Protocol Covid-19

Dear Members,


We would like to inform you that the Real Federacion Andaluza de Golf (RFGA) has published a new mandatory protocol for all competitions that are held in all Andalusia's clubs.

We kindly ask you to read this protocol carefully and respect all the rules in it.


We appreciate all your collaboration.


Competition Committee

R.C.G Guadalmina

GUADALMINOS Extended Validity

Dear Members;

Due to the uncertainty of the coming months, in order to give the winners of Guadalminos, the possibility to use them, either in the Proshop or the Restaurant, we have decided to extend the validity of the Guadalminos that ended on 12/31/2020 one more year.

Being, therefore, valid until December 31, 2021

Best wishes

The Competition Committee

Real Club de Golf Guadalmina

Thursday International and Texas Scramble

Dear Members,


We would like to inform you that with the arrival of September, our beloved competitions such as International Thursday and Texas Scramble also arrive.

To see how the new registration and tee times procedure is, click on "Additional Information".

* Inscriptions for both competitions will start tomorrow 08/09.


Thank you very much and greetings,

Competition Committee

R.C.G Guadalmina

Results Le Club Tour

Dear Members,


We have attached the reslts of the Le Club Tour 2020, we are happy to let you know that the first and the second in every category, will be travelling to Montecastillo Golf Resort on the 19th of December to play the national final.


!Thank you to all our members and we look forward to see you playing the SEMANA GRANDE 2021¡


Competition Committee

Real Club de Golf Guadalmina