Temporary suspension Bridge Monday and Friday

Dear Members

After a trial period of four months, with the Bridge Tournament Director Roy Mono, I must sadly report that Roy has informed us of his decision to suspend this activity.  This is due to the small number of our members who attended the Monday and Friday Bridge, which did not justify his efforts.
The Board of Directors improved the facilities, providing a TV to be used with live scoring software, improving the appearance of the room and thanks to the efforts made by some members, also the decoration.  But the truth is that there are not enough members to maintain this activity.
The Bridge Room will remain open for those members who wish to use it, expanding its use to other card disciplines, such as Canasta, Mus ... etc..
With respect to bridge, the necessary material to play a game, betting boxes, cards ... etc. must be provided by the players.
The Board of Directors will continue working to find a solution, within the policy of the use of the facilities: exclusively for members, or for their guests upon payment of the guest fees published by the Board.


Real Club de Golf Guadalmina

Giralda Cup Inscription 2022

Dear members:

Registration has opened for the Cup Giralda in Seville the day 22 and 23 April.


Members interested in participating must provide a sign-up sheet with the names of the 4 players in the order who want to be registered before April 3rd , in the Caddy Master.


It's a competition Medal Play, better ball handicap the first day and individual Medal play the second.



Guadalmina 16 February 2022


Dear Members please note that the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina has two defibrillators one at Caddy master near  and anoher WILL BE CARRIED by the Marshall, in case of emergency please contact the Caddy Master  at 673638770 or if necessary through personnel administration or cafeteria, that can tell you the procedure to follow.

The Real Club de Golf Guadalmina staff has been instructed in CPR techniques

Courtesy vouchers validity

Dear members, as already duly announced, we would like to remind you that all vouchers, courtesy cards, invitations, buggy vouchers, etc, with expiry date up to 31/12/2021, including those extended up to this date and with expiry date 31/12/2020 or those with no expiry date, will expire on 31 December 2.021 and therefore become invalid.
Therefore, only those which are expressly stated as having a valid expiry date will be valid.

In order to use the vouchers, it will be necessary to notify the Caddy Master in advance of your intention to do so, so that they can be validated and registered accordingly.

Yours sincerely
The Competition Committee


Real Club de Golf Guadalmina






Dear Members;


We are getting closer to launch day, and I would like to thank everyone involved in the project to date.  There has been a huge effort by Staff and some members who provided training on the App to get us this far. We are all very excited at the prospect of the new system.   


We know that changes are always a bit scary at first, but we assure you that the Club through the Caddy Master staff and collaborators will continue to support the launch of the new reservation and management system.


Today more than 800 members have already downloaded the Claphouse APP, and we hope that before the end of the year, close to 100% of Members will do so.


Allow me once again to remind you of the relevant dates of the next few days.  They are presented in a structured way for ease of understanding.




28th October               The APP is no longer open for practice.


28th – 31st                   Continue to book all golf on the old system



1st & 2nd                    Help with Live APP in the Captain Room beside the GYM


Monday 09:00 – 10:00 and 17:00 – 18:00

Tuesday 09:00 – 10:00 and 17:00 – 18:00


1st November             07:45am the ClappHouse App and the Website will be open for Bookings for Golf in the new system.  


When you click Reservations in the Website you will be taken to the live Calendar.  


You will see the following:



Any booking you made in the old system for the 1st – 4th November will be listed here

Make a reservation at 07:45 for November 5th


COMPETITIONS (Events) – Booking in the APP/Website

For competitions from 15th you can book 2 weeks in advance of the date at 7.45 am


You will see the following Competitions (Events):


1st November            Mens Day for 15th November

2nd November           Ladies Day for 16th November

4th November            International Mixed for 18th November


Competitions open in the Website from 4TH TO 14TH


In the Website when you click REGISTER for the following competitions you will continue to book as before:


4th Thursday International

6th Play and Win Medal & Stableford

7th Play and Win Medal & 4BBB

8th Mens Competition

9th Ladies Competition

11th Thursday International

13th All School Competition

14th Play and Win Medal & Stableford


Note:                          You can continue to book reservations/competitions at the CaddyMaster


15th November         You will be able to add money to your Members Account – we will inform you in advance how to do this.



Bridge Section

Dear Members;

We are pleased to inform you that  the Bridge Section will start again this week, see details below.

 Real Club de Golf Guadalmina Bridge Club 




  1. Starting:Friday 22nd October
  2. Bridge days:Friday & Monday
  3. Bridge time:4.30 – 7.30
  4. Bridge liaison Mrs. Anne Langgard
  5. Bridge scoring:live scoring
  6. To register:by email 
  7. Registration opens tuesday 19thby sending an e mail to  RCGGbridge@Guadalminagolf.com                                                         

Bridge result will be published in Real Club de Golf Guadalmina web site

Members fee:          € 5

Visitors fee:             € 8


  • Members fee is for Real Club de Golf Guadalmina fully paid up active members 
  • Visitors fee includes a non-member fee of €6 and a further €2 to cover prizes and administration costs

Yours sincerely


Real Club de Golf Guadalmina



https://youtu.be/cSNAMrthKKMDear Members

As the Guadalmina Ambassador for the Solheim Cup this is an exciting week in our calendar for two reasons: 


First: attached to this publication is the Dance Video that we entered for the competition that the Solheim Cup event organisers are running.  We are extremely proud of this video and we hope that you enjoy it and feel as proud of our wonderful club as we did when we saw the final version.  I want to thank our wonderful dancers who made this possible and supported this project with such enthusiasm and commitment. We had lots of fun doing it.  This video would not have been made possible without Minoo who put so many hours into it to get it ‘just right’ and he certainly achieved something special.  Thanks also to all the staff from the course, caddy masters and restaurant that got involved. A big thank you to all the members who attended the ‘wave’ at the pool, the Captain Roger for getting all his guys out, the professionals in the school and all the children who got involved, our President Manuel and all the board members and administration staff.  A big thank you to Ignacio, Pepe, Vice Captain Leona and the dance committee for all their help and support.  We wish the video could be longer as there is so much great footage but 60 seconds was the permitted limit and I think it captures the essence of our special club. 


Second: this is the week that the Solheim Cup Team Europe takes on the United States in Toledo, Ohio from the 4th to the 6th of September.  As Ambassadors we are tasked with promoting ladies golf and spreading the word that ladies golf worldwide has moved up a notch.  It is getting more TV coverage and many golfers, both male and female, are enjoying the coverage of ladies’ professional golf events.  This week is no exception and I ask you to view part, or indeed the entire Solheim cup coverage.   Remember it will be on our doorstep in Finca Cortesin in September 2023 and we will all be a part of it.  We want to showcase to the world our enthusiasm for this event and our love of golf in Spain.  This is a real opportunity to promote our Club, the Costa del Sol and increase the profile of what Andalucía has to offer.  So ‘Lets go girls’ and ‘Lets go guys’ too. 


Good Luck from Guadalmina to the team in Ohio. Bring home the Solheim Cup girl

To see the video click HERE


Yours in golf

Rosaleen Cunningham

Solheim Cup Ambassador

To see the video click on the link https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/596672939


Condolences for Maria Jeus Calvete (Chusiña ) death

I regret to inform you that the death has occurred of Maria Jesus Calvete know to her friends as Chusiña. 


Chusiña has been a member of Guadalmina Golf Club since 2015 and was a great supporter of the club. 



Chusiña was always smiling and friendly to everyone she met. 

She enjoyed getting together with friends and loved to entertain them with a song. 


Chusiña also recently enjoyed playing on our Croquet Lawn with friends. 


She will be sadly missed by family and friends and especially by her husband Antonio Garcia Bilbo. 


May Chusina Rest in Peace.


Real Club de Golf Guadalmina


Dear Members:

The Barceló Marbella Golf Hotel, just a few meters from our Club House, has offered special discounts for massage and beauty services in their facilities, exclusively for Members of the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina.

In the additional information you may download the details of these offers.


Real Club de Golf Guadalmina