Tee time reservation system

Dear Members;

In the attached information you can observe, the simple necessary steps, to book a tee time

Like previously, ON LINE BOOKINGS starts at 07:45, seven days in advance, until the same day of the game.

As you can see, it is very simple and intuitive; we strongly recommend you to change your password after accessing the first time.

In the near future, we expect that will also be able to register in tournaments by using this system, but until that moment, we will continue with the procedure  we have used up to now, through the website.


Dear Members:

We inform you that as from Monday July 6th  to September 15th , the opening hours, of the  Club Secretary and Administration Office, will be from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 15:00


We also remind you that due to the application of the preventive measurements, as long as the COVID19 crisis is  not controlled , we kindly  ask Members to access the offices with the protective mask

Real Club de Golf Guadalmina

Board of Directors

GGSA Extraordinary General Meeting

July 1st 2020, will be remembered in the history of the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina, with the importance of other significant dates, such as July 12th 1959, Official Opening date or November  17th 2008, when HH. King Juan Carlos I, granted our Club with the Title of Real.

After more than five years of negotiations, and with the almost unanimous support of 53.91% of the shareholders, with only two partial votes against, was approved the modification of articles 13, 14, 15 and 16 of the Statutes of Guadalmina Golf sa , offering the GGSA a more manageable Statutes, especially with regard to quorums, and the possibility of modifying, if considered, the Governing Body, it was also approved the  amortization of the 711 shares purchased in 2019.

During the Assembly, Martinsa Fadesa in Liquidation s.a. resigned as Sole Administrator of the GGSA, and the appointment of Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez Piña was unanimously approved to occupy said position, for a period of five years.

After the Assembly, the 305 shares assigned to new shareholders were signed, from this moment and until October 31, 2020, they may ratify the purchase in the Notary of their choice,

If they wish they can also go to the Notary of D. José Andújar Hurtado, ( click here for more info ) located in the Avenida de Salamanca s / n Semiesquina with, Calle Agricultura or José Urbano, 29670 San Pedro Alcántara, Málaga, by phone call with previous appointment to 951 419 000 or through email j-andujar@notariado.org

Health and safety measurements for COVID were strictly observed as you can see in the picture.


La Junta Directiva                           GUADALMINA GOLF S.A.

Real Club de Golf Guadalmina            Administrador Único



New date for the Guadalmina Golf s.a. EGM

Dear Members and Shareholders;


As you know, in Spain we had a different de-escalation plan for each territory as a consequence of the COVID crisis19, and this has made impossible to warranty inter-provincial travelling.


This limitation discouraged the celebration of the JGE de Guadalmina Golf s.a. on June 1st  and 2nd , dates of the previous extension, for the JGE, which as you recall initially had been called for on April 22nd  and 23rd .


That is why, given the information Spanish Government´s Plans , which points to the last days of June as the date on which 100% of the national territory will be in the same phase, and even close to the "new normal" , therefore the sole Administrator of Guadalmina Golf sa has decided to propose the holding of the General Shareholders' Meeting of Guadalmina Golf s.a. on June 30th  and July 1st , in the same place and at the same hours as the previous two calls.


We take this opportunity to thank the Shareholders who have already delegated their vote to someone they trust, especially for the importance of this Assembly.

Postponed to June 1st and 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting GGSA of Apri 22nd andl 23rd

Dear Shareholders;


As you can see , due t the COVID 19  w ehave decided to postponed the Extraordinary General Meeting to JUne 1st and 2nd.

In the ANNEXD DOCUMENT, you may download the Proxy vote for the  Extraordinary General Meeting of Guadalmina Golf s.a.

It is very important , if you believe that you will not be able to attend the Assembly, you may delegate your vote to any shareholder or person you trust

Once again thank you very much for your collaboration

Guadalmina Golf s.a.

Miguel Angel Gutierrez Piña

Sole Administrator

Resl Club de Golf Guadalmina Captain´s suporting message

Dear Members'


It has now been many weeks that we have not been able to enjoy each others company at our beloved Golf Club.  

I have spent a lot of time thinking about you all, and wanted to say that I hope that you and your loved ones are all keeping safe and well.  

I pray that it will not be too long before we are all back together again to enjoy the companionship and the sport we love.


Gary Compson


Interclubs Correspondece agreements 2020 REAL CLUB PINEDA

Dear Members;

In the present information you will be able to obtain information about the correspondences with other Clubs  of the Real Club de Golf Guadlamina,

The Real Club Pineda de Sevilla and our Club have signed an agreement, so that our Members can enjoy a special discount on the Green Fee when they visit Seville.

In the additional information you can find

LINKS To each Club








