5th consecutive title for Guadalmina in the Interclubes de Andalucía Infantil & Cadete

Neither Chronos, the Greek God of weather, could avoid the 5th consecutive victory of Real Club de Golf in the Interclub Championship of Andalusian "Infantil" and "Cadete".


Baviera Golf and the weather (it had to be suspended the 1st day due to storm) were witnesses of the 10th title of Guadalmina in the history of this competition. What an amazing feat.


The A team of the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina, formed by Alejandra Sanchez de la Fuente, Nicolás Barclay, Pablo Hidalgo and Marc Waller, with an accumulated of 149 shots, claimed the victory with 9 shots of advantage over his closest rival, also a team from the School (Jonah Fernandes, Mateo Ruiz, Alberto Sanchez de la Fuente and Rebeca Fernandez).


In addition, Jonah and Mateo carded the best round of the tournament (72).


Congratulations guys, we are very proud of all of you.


Many thanks to the Royal Andalusian Golf Federation for organizing for the 18th time this competition, one of the funniest of the annual calendar, to the parents for your unconditional support, to Baviera Golf for being the perfect host and, of course, to all the boys and girls who participated, you are a trully example for the rest of old players.


Check the final results, here.

Where do our players play this week?

Chronologically, our first asset of the week was Laura Gómez, who played in the Real de Sevilla the Doubles of the Santander Golf Tour and things have not gone badly: 3rd along with also Andalusian Sara Navarro.


Angel Hidalgo's turn; today the World Team Amateur Championship has started, and Spain has a very competitive team (Victor Pastor, Alejandro del Rey and Angel). For the moment, 7th with 6 under par. Livescoring, here.


Azahara Muñoz and Noemi Jiménez will be in Bordeaux for the Lacoste Ladies Open of France, a tournament that brings back good memories to Aza (champion in 2013 and 2014). From September 6 to 9. Livescoring, here.


Also from tomorrow until September 9th, Haiko Dana will be competing in the Bridgestone Challenge, tournament corresponding to the Challenge Tour. In this link you can follow the livescoring.


The XXXI Spanish Championship of the PGA travels to Burgos (Rio Cerezo Golf). The Osorio brothers (Dani and Juan Carlos), will be in contention. These are the tee times.


And among the youngest, on the one hand we have 4 teams from the Academy that travel to Baviera for the Interclubes "Infantil" and "Cadete" Andalusian Championship. Then, Álvaro Mueller-Baumgart and Alejandro J. Chacón in La Cañada, for the International Championship of Spain Under 18.


Good luck, friends.



Noemi Jiménez and Ángel Hidalgo, among the Sports Acknowledgments of San Pedro Alcántara

The 3rd Sports Recognition of San Pedro Alcántara took place last thursday in the auditorium of San Pedro's Bulevar. The event was attended by the deputy mayor, Rafael Piña; the delegate councilor of Sports, Javier Mérida; the Treasury, Manuel Osorio; Employment, Cristóbal Garre, and other members of the corporation.


In total there were 39 recognitions to sport delivered in both individual and collective category, distinguishing between recognitions for achievements of the 2017/2018 season and for sporting career. Our golfers Ángel Hidalgo and Noemí Jiménez were two of the most successful. Angel has once again conquered the Absolute Spain Championship and the Andalusia Cup, while Noemi premiered her international palmares, conquering the LETAS VP Bank Ladies Open and a tournament of the Andalusian professional circuit.


Both are playing important tournaments this week; Noemi has the Lacoste Ladies French Open (tournament corresponding to the Ladies European Tour), where she will coincide with the also sampedreña Azahara Muñoz, winner in 2013 and 2014 when the French Open was played in Chantaco. And Angel will be in Ireland for the dispute of his last Men's World Amateur Team Championship.


Let the successes continue!

Alejandra Sánchez de la Fuente, Spanish Champion Under 16 Pitch & Putt

Alejandra Sanchez de la Fuente has been the big winner in the Spanish Championship Under 16 Pitch & Putt REALE held in Malaga (BilBil Golf) with the participation of a large number of young golfers, a tournament plenty of emotion and a very good level of game shown during the two days of competition.


After the first day five players were leaders with 53 shots. Two of them, Rebeca Fernández and Alejandra Sánchez de la Fuente from our club. In the end, Alejandra, with a second round of 49, ended the debate with 102 strokes and two advantage over the players Isabel Mas and Andrea Revuelta.


Rebeca achieved an excellent 2nd place in "Infantil" category and a Top 7 in the absolute category.


To the success of the club, the young "alevín" Lucía Morales (6th), as well as Daniel de la Serna (3rd), Samuel Love (4th) and Aitor López (10th) among the male "Benjamines" and Valeria Ramírez (6th) among the Female "Benjamines"


In addition, in the Spanish Interclubs Championship "infantil" sponsored by Reale Seguros, the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina team formed by Rebeca Fernández, Lucía Morales, Marc Waller and Pablo Hidalgo fought until the last moment for the 2nd place, finally being in 4th place , 1 shot behind the third (La Cañada) and 2 of the seconds (La Dehesa). La Herreria won easily.


Congratulations, Alejandra!


All information on the RFEG website

End to the Golfing Week 2018

2 days after the Golfing Week and having digested what has been lived this week, it is time to take stock.


It has been an intense and exciting week, marked by the great participation of our members in the different competitions.


The commitment that the Competition Committee acquired last year after seeing that many days exceeded 5 hours of play, was to reduce the limit of participants per tournament. And so it has been done. On Monday, on the Ping Trophy 208 people played (instead of 225 last year), on Tuesday at the Alvear - Belloterra another 208, on Wednesday (Reale) we stayed at the doors of 200 (199) and on Thursday at Le Club 142 players tried to get tickets for the national final at Fairplay Golf Resort. And even so, at some time of the week, the pace of play went out of hand and the 5 hours were exceeded.


On Thursday we proceeded to celebrate the prize giving presentation of the aforementioned tournaments and up to 250 members joined us during the night. We suspect that the spectacular assortment of "jamones" and "paletas" for the draw was largely to blame.


And as a final culmination we had the team tournament, this year sponsored by Movistar. 32 teams, 36 holes and up to the first 10 were awarded. The team formed by Lina López, Lourdes Gómez and Juan Miguel and Ana Belén Morales achieved the victory (by 10 shots!). See the spectacular results here.


The management of the club and the Competition Committee greatly appreciate your participation, patience and commitment during these days. Thanks also, of course, to all the Caddy Master staff for their good work, to the Restaurant, and, above all, to the sponsors of each of the tournaments for trusting Guadalmina.


Until next year!


The Golfing Week, in photos, here below.

Powerful performance in the Andalusian Pitch and Putt Championship Under 16

With barely time to take a breath after the Nina Digsmed, 19 players from our young academy moved to the neighboring course of El Campanario to play the Andalusian Pitch and Putt Under 16 and Benjamin. And, of course, Guadalmina's boys triumphed.


The Benjamines dominated with victory for Valeria Ramírez among the girls and Aitor Macías in boys category. Notable tournament also of Samuel Love (3rd).


In Sub 16 we could not climb to the top, although we were close. Pablo Hidalgo made the best round of the tournament in the final day (-10!) to force a play off with Fermín Palma, in which he finally finished runner-up. Jonah Fernandes (6th), Samuel Rodríguez (10th) and Lucía Morales (8th) completed the good performance of the "bulls" of Guadalmina.


Congrats to all!


Check final results here.

2018 Nina Digsmed trophy, by RFGA

Carlos Ramón de Fata, President of the PGA Committee of the RFGA and our Nina Richter Digsmed summed it up perfectly in the prize giving presentation: what a joy to see so many young children (over 90) get excited about our sport.

All ages represented, the youngest, with official prize, Juan, 4 years old until the juniors of 21. All attracted to this tournament, one of the most important events of the summer in Costa del Sol.

And what level! not only the absolute Spanish champion Ángel Hidalgo, the champion of absolute Andalusia, Calvin Greschner, the Spanish sub-champion Cadete Alvaro Mueller-Baumgart, but also Álvaro Revuelta Goicochea (Madrid-Sotograndde), Sub-Champion of Spain Sub-14 and many more players with important palmares in Andalusia.

And of course, with so much level, it was expected to watch impressive rounds: 4 players with 6 under. In the end, the victory went to Angel Hidalgo, who, after defeating Scott Christinson and Jonah and Noah Fernandes in the 2nd play-off hole, got the desired "triplete": Spanish Championship, Open de Paco and Nina Digsmed.


Congratulations to all and especially to the winners:



Scratch: Amanda Revolt

Handicap: Sebastian Aigner



Scratch: Andrea Revuelta

Hdcp: Alejandro Tamayo



Scratch: Alvaro Revuelta

Hdcp: Samuel Rodriguez



Scratch: Scott Cristison

Hdcp: Noah Fernandes



Scratch: Angel Hidalgo

Hdcp: Jonah Fernandes


Thanks to the parents for supporting all their champions, to the RFGA and its Pitch & Putt Committee for the big support always and, of course, to the Club and the sponsors for the organization and for all the gifts. In the end all the children were able to take a gift and some even a blaster or a new bag.


That the party continues in the Mensual next Saturday, in the Four Seasons on Sunday 12th and throughout the big week that begins on August 13th.

Historical. 2 Guadalmina players play the British Open

From today until Sunday you can see Azahara Muñoz and Noemí Jiménez competing in the Ricoh Women's British Open at the legendary Royal Lytham & St Annes. With Azahara, Noemí becomes the 2nd player in the history of the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina to play a Major.


Things have not started well for our honorable member (+5) but she has plenty of capacity to change the situation. For her part, Noemi goes will tee off at 13:38 local time. You can follow the day to day of the tournament here. Good luck girls!


In addition, for Movistar subscribers, these are the schedules of the retransmissions:


Thursday 2nd  -> 3pm – 7pm

Friday 3rd -> 3pm – 7pm

Saturday 4th -> 4pm – 6pm

Sunday 5th -> 4pm – 6pm

Multideporte / Dial 69

Saturday 4th  -> 4pm – 8pm

Sunday  5th  -> 4pm – 8pm


Enjoy this unique, historical moment, although of course we hope it is not the last.


XXII Open de Paco

Another year, the untiring Paco organized his Open de Paco in the North Course on Friday, July 20. It was a beautiful day, full of children from 8 am until 8 pm. Of all ages and coming from all points of the province.


Both Paco and Nina, his luxury assistant, spent the whole day working out for the children, taking pictures, offering them food and drink, giving them advices and giving them a smile when their golf failed. In addition to the encourage of Paco, Nina and the rest of the Staff, a luxury spectator did not want to miss the big day; Azahara Muñoz was watching the little ones in the Par 3 course and signing caps. And of course, you can imagine the illusion that made the children see her there.


When the afternoon began to come to an end and after more than 120 children enjoyed, in addition to golf, the pool, the bouncy castle and the approach contest, there was an excellent prize givig ceremony, where practically all the children took a gift.


Congrats to all the participants and the winners! Check final results:

Par 3 Course

9 holes

18 holes


Thank you very much Paco for everything you do for the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina.


Attached you will find some photos of the event, made by Nina Digsmed.