Marcus Svensson wins the Andlausian Cup 2017

The Andalusia Cup stays at home

We continue to reap success. Our young player Marcus Svensson has brilliantly won the 2017 Andalusian Men's Cup, one of the greatest amateur tournaments in Spain. Rounds of 70, 68, 69 and 74 (-7 accumulated) were enough to win the prestigious Cup.

The Swedish set off with 4 strokes of lead in the last round over the spaniards Alejandro del Rey and Pablo Rodríguez-Tabernero, two heavyweights, so Thursday was not going to be a triumphal ride. In fact, until the 17th hole the tournament was very tight, but Rodríguez-Tabernero gave up after sending the ball out of bounds. Finally, Marcus ended up with two great pars to win at home.

Also worthy of mention was the meritorious 4th place of Ángel Hidalgo, the current champion of the Puerta de Hierro Cup played in La Cañada last December. Felipe Barrena (19th), Lukas Pany (21st) and Casto Gómez (40th) also had a notorious participation.

The other great winner of the week was the field, much praised by all players.

Our most sincerely congratulations, Marcus.



Guadalmina back to its normal stage

Thanks to the great job carried out by our Course Staff, at Real Club de Golf Guadalmina, with our Head Green Keeper Marcos Araujo leading them, we have witnessed to what has been called , by many people "almost a miracle".

Only two weeks ago we witnessed the demolishing efects of  the more than 300 litres per square metre of rain, over the courses in the area, not only the North and the South courses , and in a minor way the Pitch & Putt Course.

Today we are preparing ourselves to host the fourth consecutive edition in our Club of the Copa de Andalucía W.R.Q. , the 90 best players, with a handicap limit of 0,1, which will wive you an idea of the quality of golfers forming the field.

They will have to deal with fast greens and the course prepared to this event by our maintenance team.

We are waiting to see if one of our Members, participating in the competition will be in the last day fighting for the victory.

Latest report about the courses status

After five days from the floods of the past December 4th, even the is true that this following five days without rain have given us a rest, and  improved the appearance of the courses, thanks specially  for the works carried out by our Maintenance staff whom have worked under very difficult conditions, even during the holidays of December 6th and 8th

Reality is that this is an optical effect, fairways , aprons and tees are still very muddy, and  the water level still  is a very shallow

Allowing players to play in these conditions would be very detrimental to the future of Guadalmina Golf Courses, especially in this part of the year.

The North Course will take longer to recuperate 18 playing holes, as we have to re built the bridges of the "El Chopo Stream" and it will take 10 working days as from Friday 9th , first day when the contractors had access with the required machinery and equipment.


By this the BOARD OF DIRECTORS  of our club has  adopted the following decision,  to keep the courses closed until next Monday December 12th obviously following the recommendation of our  head Greenkeeper

Next Monday unless unforeseen weather circumstances , We expect to open the SOUTH course, as well as the front nine holes of the NORTH course and Pitch & Putt Course.


Official competitions for the week commencing next Monday 12th, as such Ladies Day , Men Day , Thursday International and Texas Scramble will be played on the North Course under 9 holes format.

We hope that Members will understand the reasons behind this decision, which we deeply regret, but they are “force mayor “

Real Club de Golf Guadalmina


Mr. Fernando Goizueta honorary member ceremony

 Last Friday, December 9 Mr. Fernando Goizueta Galbeteof ireceivedfrim our President Juan Ramon Martínez  Landazabal a the plate as recognition of his appointment member of Honor of our club, during a ceremony with friends and relatives , at the same time was present at the board with the D. Fernando's name voice with the as well as the other two honor members of our club Sydney Matthews and Azahara Muñoz


Valeria and Aitor win in the final of the Circuit.

The change of host course venue  for the final of the Circuit, because of the closure of our P&P course due to the heavy rains, to the P & P of the School of Miguel Angel Jímenez in Torremolinos did not perturbed our young talents. 

In "unknown" terrain they have defended themsleves  in a wonderfull way .

Valeria Ramírez obtained the first position of the championship and the annual ranking in the female category under 8 years and Aitor Macias the runner - up of the special category with only 35 shots gross in this demanding short Course 

Congratulations to both!


Winners of the 2016 Andalusian Ranking

17 children from our School participated this weekend, December 3, in the Final of the Children's Circuit at the Real Club de Golf de Sevilla, they earned the right to participate in this final due to their results over differetn torunament through the year.

Accompanied by our pro and teacher Salvador Ruiz Arias, and many Parents supporters of our Scholl, have fought all with the rain and the very long course. 

Congratulations in particular to:

Lucías Morales: Benjamin runner-up of the tournament and also of the Annual Ranking Benjamín Femenino.

Rebeca Fernández: Winner Annual Ranking Alevín Femenino and runner-up  of the tournament

Alvaro Mueller-Baumgart: Winner Annual Ranking Male and tied - up in shots with the 1st and 2nd of the tournament.

Well done champions!

Ángel Hidalgo wins the Puerta de Hierro Trophy

Our young player Ángel Hidalgo is still in a state of grace. He won once again at La Cañada the Copa Puerta de Hierro Trophy


This Club hosted, for the fifth consecutive year, the 99th edition of an epic tournament.


Players suffered every day, more and more rain and, thanks to the fantastic Club Course Staff and the Organization, it tournament managed to come to an end. Ángel brilliantly played his favorite role and proclaimed champion of the prestigious Copa Puerta de Hierro after beating Borja Martin by 2 & 1 in the final.


With this victory, the Cup changes of venue course, and next year, coinciding with the centenary of the tournament, the oldest Amateur Tournament in Spain, Real Club de Golf Guadalmina will have the privilege of organizing it at home.


Congratulations, Angel! More information in the link

Result of th Andalusian Junior Circuit

The Sunday 12 of November in Alhaurin Golf, 18 children of the school participated in the circuit child, Infantil and Benjamin of Andalusia.

A very hilly course. Finishing with an smile was a challenge with more than a ball disappearing in the many canyons.

Congratulations to the bold and notably to our great champions:

Lucia Morales Muñoz, Campeona Benjamín Scratch y Handicap

Romi Manzari, Campeón Benjamín Scratch

Alejandro Tamayo Bautista, Subcampeón Scratch y Campeón Benjamín Handicap

Aitor Mecias, Subcampeón Benjamín Handicap

Inés Jiménez Caceres, Campeona Alevín Scratch

Alejandra Sánchez de la Fuente, Campeona Infantil Scratch y Handicap

Results on the RFAG Web site