What say about the Open that we have lived, for the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina has been our OPEN, Azahara Munoz Guijarro,  our "girl" has made history, close to home, for those who have not yet noticed, SHE has won the Ladie's Spanish OPEN in Spain!.!

The Chronicle of this tournament will be written by people far more expert than the one who writes these simple words, but I am sure that they will not be more full of emotion.

But we have also seen as other two players so linked to our Club as Noemí Jiménez and Laura Cabanillas  they have also have shone on the Aloha golf course,  WHAT A COURSE!!

Well, If you want to know more about this storyt click on the link of the RFEG magazine.




Our Club wins the Andalusian Interclub Championship three years in a row

Champions of Andalusia Interclubs infantile and Cadet-2016

Already for the third year in a row the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina has conquered over the weekend of 10 and 11 of September the Andalusia inter-Club Championship infantil and Cadet, which was held in two days full of excitement and good golf at Baviera Golf.

Congratulations to the championship team of Alejandra Sanchez of the source, David Waller, Alejandro Chacón and Jonah Fernandes with her captain Ana Torras, as well as Alejandra and David for the best round foursome and Marc Waller for the best individual round.

Thanks to the parents who have helped to bring the children to Baviera Golf and dirve them to  the course and back to the the farmhouse where they stayed and Casto Gomez for joining, motivate and care for them during these days.

More info at 



Our Club Runner up at the Spanish Interclub Under 14 Champioship

RCGG runners-up in Spain by u-14 teams

Our team with Evelina Stanikova, Alejandra Sanchez of the source, David Waller and Álvaro Mueller-Baumgart, accompanied by his Captain Luis Mansilla and our Director of school Castor Gomez has achieved an outstanding 2nd in the Championship of Spain Interclub child REALE, held in Lauro Golf course of August 30-31, 2016.


Giving an exciting fight to the Favorites of Costa de Azahar for two days, Evelina, Ale, David and Alvaro finally have fallen just 6 shots behind the champions. It has been a very emotional tournament with very strong rounds forms our children of Guadalmina during the two days. Just to show the regularity of our team: no other team has managed to stay below 80 in the 8 rounds¡¡¡¡.


The four Guadalminenses have met or improved their handicap at least in one of the two rounds and as Team have played 9 under par handicap ending also second in the HCP category behind Playa Serena.

It has been incredible to see Alejandra, Evelina, David and Alvaro FIGHTING up to the last putt. Thanks to them for such effort and performance.


We thank also the Club for support, Luis Mansilla by Captain champions and our head of school for the good preparation of the team before and during the Championship and member`s parents of the club who have supported children and driven them to Lauro Golf every day for training and Championship returns.


Congratulations to the runners-up in Spain 2016!

More info on the website of RFEG: http://www.rfegolf.es/CompetenciaPaginas/NewsDetails.aspx?NewsId=7500&CompId=10498 


The best possible finish for our Golfing week

With the TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP, sponsored by Banco Sabadell has been the grand finale of the of the golfing week at  Real Club de Golf Guadalmina. 

2016 has been the year of the consolidation of this tournament, as one of the most important team competitions of Andalusia, with 43 teams participating. 

In this edition, thanks to Banco Sabadell, players have received a "Welcome pack" consistent in a Memorial t-shirt , a set of three balls Titleist prov 1 x, a bag with tees and repair pitch marks forks, and for the trophies, as you can see in the Gallery photographic attached the Bank has made a great  effort.

Finally, all attendees to the delivery of prizes and friends could participate on a pleasant evening in which good atmosphere mixed with surprise giveaways and a cocktail that made the delight of all.

 Juan Krauel, Director of Andalusia, Extremadura and the Canary Islands and the rest of the team of Banco Sabadell... gave us a farewell with a... "we will se you all  next  year ", we are sure we will have again in 2017 such  great sponsor.


Prize Giving for the Golfing week

In this edition of the Golf week Real Club de Golf  Guadalmina more than 750 players participated  in 4 tournaments held between 14 and 15 August, This year some changes, have been since before the great importance which is gathering this golfing week , without comparison with others in Andalusia, several companies have shown interest in collaborating with our club, not forgetting of course, which at the time offered us their collaboration starting with the CALLOWAY trophy which has substituted to PING  with whom we have collaborated in the past years, followed by the ALVEAR - ESPAVINIA, , who has taken over to BELLOTERRA on Wednesday the REALE TROPHY and ending with the Le Club Tournament.

The variety of the modalities, with individual tournaments and couples, including the modality of scramble of the ALVEAR- ESPAVINIA TROPHY whose picnic of wine tasting and Serrano jam by the 9 18 greens was appreciated by all participants.

This edition of the Golf week has received a lot of compliments, and makes us work harder for future editions.

From here our sincerest gratitude to the SPONSORS.

Once completed, the 18th celebrate alongside the renovated gardens a price giving  cocktail  followed by the "traditional Jamones RAFFLE" with more than 250 people attending.

In the following link you may see the pictures of the event.





Gala Dinner to raise money in favor of the AECC Marbella

Dear Members:


Next Sunday August 5th  Friday, at the gardens of the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina, will take place the annual GALA dinner in favor of the Spanish Association Against CANCER.


This initiative will try to raise funds to help fight this terrible disease, which strikes each year to our loved ones, and everyone, in one way or another have suffered directly ever.


The evening will begin with a cocktail to them 20:30 followed of a dinner served by group Dantonelas to them 21:30, enlivened by artists that kindly have offered their participation for free, presented by Belinda Washington and Agustín Bravo as, the Symphonic Orchestra of Malaga which will accompany to the worldwide known Soprano Pilar Jurado, as well as to the Group of dance of the Foundation Antonio Gades, the Colombian singer , Jorge Hernán Baena,the violinist Pablo Navarro or the Flamenco group "Magustami" and the singing couple Pilar and Carlos


The price is € 250 per person, and Members interested in participating and contributing to this cause, they may buy tickets phoning at the A.E.C.C. on telephone 952776800 or 952861853.


Gentlemen are kindly requested to wear dark suit or tuxedo, and ladies in cocktail or Gala dress.


In the attached information you can see the poster of the event.


Let’s  make an unforgettable night for Marbella and the Spanish Association against Cancer!


In the attached information you can see the poster of the event, as well as the booklet including the menu, shows gifts  of the live  auction and silent  raffle.




Moda & Golf Trophy SHOT GUN


Next August 10th  will take place on the NORTH COURSE the tournament GOLF y moda, winners in each category will participate in the FINAL in ATALAYA GOLF & C.C. and the winner of the Grand FINAL will enjoy a stay for two people in the Dominican Republic in the "Casa de Campo" including a day of golf at the famous "teeth dog" GOLF COURSE.

Let`s have fun and sign in, SHOT GUN START at   09:00; and there is a cocktail at the prize giving presentation and more details and surprises alog the sourse¡¡¡¡¡