Even though it was a long day, the good weather, the excellent results, the emotions and an splendid course came together to contribute on a perfect golf day. The first groups, with the moon still a spectator, started at 8 am and the prize-giving took place on the pleasant terrace of the pool. We were fortunate to have the visit of the President of the Competition Committee (Hans Wielaard) and Patricia Jiménez (RFGA member), and of course with the entire team OF Jason Floyd, who were stunned by the excellent conditions of the course and thanked the cooperation with the Academy.
Last Sunday we had everything, 3 tournaments for the price of 1: Monthly Academy, Jason Floyd and, to top it all, valid for the RFGA Ranking.
We cannot say goodbye without thanking all the players for their participation and congratulating the winners and other players of the club for their notorious tournament:
- Valeria Ramirez – Scratch & Handicap Winner P&P
- Keira Tucker – 2th Scratch P&P (same result tan Valeria)
- Julieta Rodriguez del Molino – 2th Handicap P&P
- Aitor Macias – 2th Handicap JFGA
- Alejandro Tamayo – 3th Handicap JFGA
- Jonah Fernandes - Scratch & Handicap Winner Monthly, U15 JFGA & Ranking Cadete RFGA
- Alvaro Mueller-Baumgart – Scratch Winner Monthly & Ranking RFGA. 3th Handicap JFGA U15
- Juanmi Morales – 3th Scratch U23 JFGA
- Alejandro Chacon – 2th hdcp Monthly, 2th Scratch Ranking RFGA Infantil & 3th Hdcp JFGA U15
- Ana Belén Morales – Winner Ranking RFGA Cadete
- Rebeca Fernández – 2th Ranking RFGA Infantil
18 holes North Couse: http://www.nextcaddy.com/tour/20479
9 holes North Course (benjamines): http://www.nextcaddy.com/tour/20554
P&P: http://www.nextcaddy.com/tour/23179