G.A.S.P. Result, Guadalmina WINS!!!

For the second year in a row, Real Club de Golf Guadalmina won the four teams event G.A.S.P. teams representing Guadalmina, Atalaya El Paraiso and Santa María 

This  year the team was formed by  Ángel Ibáñez, Eric McLeod, MIguel Ángel Gutierrez Oneto José Duarte, Pedro Ortega, Gary Compson, Emilio Bueno, Peru Alonso, Sam Gardezzy, Antonio Guerrero, Antonio Gil bajo under the Captancy of Juan Jiménez.


We are getting used to it, Congratulations¡¡

Dinner Dance to raise money in favour of A.E.C.C.

Dear Members:


Next Sunday August 2nd , at the gardens of the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina, will take place the annual GALA dinner in favour of the Spanish Association Against CANCER.


This initiative will try to raise funds to help fight this terrible disease, which strikes each year to our loved ones, and everyone, in one way or another have suffered directly ever.


The evening will begin with a cocktail at 21:00 followed by a dinner served by group Dantonelas at 22:00, enlivened by artists who kindly have offered their participation for free, as the Colombian singer, Jorge Hernán Baena, or Los Bravos and Los Alpresa groups.


The price is € 200 per person, and Members interested in participating and contributing to this cause, they may buy tickets phoning at the A.E.C.C. on telephone 952776800 or 652405388.


Gentlemen are kindly requested to wear dark suit or tuxedo, and ladies in cocktail or Gala dress.


In the attached information you can see the poster of the event.

Great performance during the weekend

This weekend our Junior Members achieved great successes in Almeria and Austria:

Elena Pany and Lukas Pany have won the Championship National Open for Austria under14 this weekend in the Austrian club of Haugschlag.

It may be the first time that two brothers win the Championship in their respective categories in the same day. Well done.

Closer to our Club , the Andalusia under 21 Championship ended this Sunday at the facilities of Playa Serena, Almeria with the victory of the players of the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina, Laura Gómez and Angel Hidalgo.

With a total of 212 shots, Angel Hidalgo - who was second after the first roundmanaged to conquer the first possition in the final day and has been proclaimed champion of Andalucia under 21.

In the Girls category or member Laura Gómez Manged to take the first place with a total of 222 shots after two days event.

He also player of the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina, Antonio Cruz-Conde, won the runner-up with a total of 223.


A greeting,

Marc Mueller-Baumgart

RCG school Guadalmina

August 22nd, 2015 Summer Diner

Dear members.


Another year, as closure of the Club Golfing Week, We have arranged the   Summer Club Dinner, this year we expect the presence of a large number of members and friends taking part in the event, and have prepared a very interesting menu, at a great price.


Members and guests who are interested in attending next Agust 22nd at 21:00 hours, may do it in two ways, either by phoning 952886316 Club Restaurant’s phone number or entering their name ant telephone number on the Board of the Club, so we have setted upt different tables, with various distributions according to the number of seats required, Members can book a full table or sign up with other Members to complete the tables.


The deadline to book is Thursday, August 20.


Herein we present the poster for the event, and this is the menu that we have prepared


Menu €40 person



Fried Anchovies

Croquettes varied

Salmon Miniroulede

Brochette of prawns with coconut




Seafood Coktail in Natural pineapple




Gilthead grilled


Roast Beeff

With seasonal vegetables




Chocolate Coulant


Wine white Verdejo

Red wine Rioja Finca Besaya

Coffee and drinks invitation on the house


Benjamin, Alevín and Infantil Aldalusian Champioship

Pedro Marín, Carmen Belmonte, Daniel Casas, Evelina Stanikova, Álvaro Gómez de Linares and Andrea Revuelta were proclaimed champions in their categories

The international championships, Benjamin, Alevín and Infantil of Andalusia - which took place in the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina on two consecutive days and under stroke play mode scratch - have concluded today with the victories of Pedro Marín and Carmen Belmonte in category children, Daniel Casas and Evelina Stanikova in Alevin and Álvaro Gómez of Linares and Andrea Revuelta in Benjamin.

Starting with the category male infantil, Pedro Marín - from Real Club de Golf Sotogrande - has today proclaimed champion after beating in play off player from Real Club de Golf de Sevilla, Antonio Pina, after completing both with a cumulative total of 152 shots.

As for the female Infantil category, the player of the Club de Campo de Córdoba, Carmen Belmonte, manage to maintain her obtained during her first day thanks to a first round of 73 shots , which has today joined other 72, for a total of 145. , the player from La Cañada, Mimí Rhodes, won the runner-up with 149 hits.

Category Alevin, male classification to victory has been Daniel Casas (Benalmadena Golf), which has defended the first position which already obtained the first round with 75 shots, signing a round of 74 and thus retaining the title which already got last year. The silver, with four strokes of difference, has been for Miguel Krowicki.


Our player of the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina, Evelina Stanikova has achieved victory in category female Benjamin, with two rounds of 74 and 78 hits, to 152 the total, while Marta López (Playa Serena) has remained in the second, with a total of 159 hits.

In the Benjamin, The player from Lauro Golf, Álvaro Gómez de Linares, has remained at the top of the male classification and won the Championship with a total of 78 hits. Víctor Leiva (Guadalhorce Golf Club) followed in second place with just one shot of difference.

Andrea Revuelta, for its part, has also retained the first place from the first day and has been proclaimed champion with 92 hits. After her, Cristina Albertazzi (Villa Padierna), was in second place with a total result of 100 shots.

This are also results from our Junior Academy in the TOP 10

  • Alexander Amey,  3º Scratch Benjamín
  • Alberto Sánchez de la Fuente, 3º Hdcp Benjamín
  • Alejandra Sánchez de la Fuente,  4ª Scratch Alevín
  • Alejandro Chacón,  3º Scratch Alevín
  • Elena Pany,  5ª Scratch Infantil
  • Álvaro Mueller-Baumgart,  6º Scratch Infantil
  • Lukas Pany,  8º Scratch Infantil
  • Noah Fernandes, 7º Handicap Infantil

We would like to thank the Caddy Master Staff for their collaboration in the organisation of the tournament, to our Green keeper for the state of the courses, to all Members for supporting the Competition and this type of events, so important for our kids.

In the picture Evelina Stanikova , receiving her trphy from Mr. Ángel de la Riva , Presidente R.F.G.A.


It seems that all weekends our member achieve some extraordinary sporting success.  After I wrote to you about the ones from the Spanish Championships Under-14 last week, I write to you again now, as during these past few days in the Championship of Andalusia Men and Women most trophies have gone to our club. Congratulations to:

Laura Gómez:  Andalusian Champion 2015

Andrés Tamayo and Ángel Hidalgo:  Andalusian Champion Doubles 2015

Ángel Hidalgo:  Andalusian Runner-Up Champion 2015

Lukas Pany:  Andalusian Champion Handicap 2015

Álvaro Mueller-Baumgart: Andalusian Champion 2nd Category

And last week could also congratulate our school pro Ruben Holgado for becoming Runner-Up Champion of Professionals of Andalusia, after a hard fight for the title on the 3rd hole of the play-off.

This weekend now we celebrate the Andalucía Under-14 Championship in our club and the following is the U21 Championship Andalusia in Almeria. Wish luck to our players to continue to play with the same success and hopefully I'll be writing to you again next week.




Wellness Golf Summer Raffle

Wellness Golf, trying to improve the relationship with you, as Members of Real Club de Golf Guadalmina, has the pleasure to announce the SUMMER RAFFLE , exclusively for Real Club de Golf Guadalmina Members and their Families, simply by sending an e mail to info@wellnessgolf.com with your name and member number, you will enter into a raffle to win this magnificent prize, totally free.
 The draw will be made July 31, between all members who have sent e mail, in the event that the winner  is not in Marbella in these days will be delivered upon his/her  return, this prize is non- transferable.
Members participating in this raffle empower Wellness Golf submit them, exclusively, news related to Wellness Golf, if you don't want to receive information about Wellness Golf, may include it in your response, and in the future you wish to stop receiving information from Wellness Golf may exercise their right by sending a mail to info@wellnessgolf.es

  • One year subscription to the Wellness & Fitness Centre.
  • Two relaxing massages
  • One aesthetic beauty treatment
  • One Hairdresser session
  • 4 Green fee ( 2 on the North and 2 on the South )
  • A medical revision at Clinic Hospital Quiron in Marbella
  • A dinner for 2 at Sun Beach Bar at Guadalmina Baja, with Flamenco Show

Additionally to this price we will also raffle the following prices

  • Five prices of three months free at our Wellness & Fitness Centre.

We expect that you will all enjoy your Wellness & Fitness Centre and…. Good Luck ¡¡¡

Wellness Golf Team