Azahara Muñoz wins the French Open for her second year in a row

Members at Real Club de Golf Guadalmina, could not contain their joy when "Aza" holed the last putt at Chantaco Golf Club.

The excitement was raising when five holes to to the end, our Member was 3 shots behind the leader also Spanish María Henrández, who finished in third place tied up insecond position only one shot from of Azahara.

Azahara Muñoz has today recertified title in the Lacoste Ladies Open of France, thus achieving his third victory on the Ladies European Tour, after her victory in the same tournament last year and her victory in the Madrid Ladies Masters in 2008, demonstrating made a superb level of play, which has remained from the first to the last dayto finish this edition of the Open de France with a cumulative total of - 11 shots, result of four magnificent (67 68 67 67) turns and giving, once again shows its quality as a player and his impeccable behavior on and off the course, which placed it as a reference in international Ladies golf.

Behind Azahara, have been, Welsh Amy Boulden and the Navarre María Hernández, who was leading after the first day and maintained the first position until this last turn, in which Malaga overcame it forcefully, signing a flawless finish, with birdies on 15, 17 and 18 holes.

Noemi Jiménz finish third in the European Ranking

Our Member Noemí Jiménez has finished the season 2014 in the third position of the female European Amateur rankings that makes the European Golf Association (EGA), reflection of the outstanding results that has garnered in recent months.

Noemí Jiménez, who is developing his career at Arizona State University for three years, has been one of the main protagonists of the year by its regularity, both in competitions held in Europe and in which he has played on American soil.

His most successful season was the runner-up of European individual harvested in late July in Estonia. There the gold medal escaped in a vibrant playoff jump-off with the Balearic Moon Sobrón, another important name of the course.

In Estonia, Denmark's Nanna Madsen and the Frenchwoman Celine Boutier, first and second in the world rankings, respectively, shared the third position behind the two Spanish players.

Also in Europe, Noemí Jiménez was quarterfinalist of the prestigious British Ladies Amateur and reserve champion of Spain in a thrilling duel with the Barcelona Camilla Hedberg, that left her without a title after dominating testing for 54 holes.

In the United States, the Malaga player was the best player in Arizona State in the final NCAA Division I, which agreed winning the previous competition, known as Regional. Before that victory, their numbers was Fable: ten Top 10 in 11 tournaments and six Top 5 consumer discretionary

Interclub vs Atalaya Golf

On Friday 24th October we played at Atalaya old course the annual match away, and the return match the 31st at Guadalmina north course.

It was the first time we played at the north course by special request from the previous Captain at Atalaya. - Both courses were in great shape and in fine weather conditions.

We had two very interesting matches against the best playing Atalaya team that we have seen in many years. Atalaya won at home 3½ : 2½, so Guadalmina needed a win of 4 : 2 at Guadalmina to win the trophy.

That was exactly the result of the match thanks to some very good fighting Guadalmina players.

They were Miguel Gutierrez, Paul Heaton, Sam Gardezi, Angel Ibanez, Hans Ahlbom, Olaf Eie, Sten Olsson, Antonio Guerrero, Claes Forsgardh, Jose Duarte, Joe Llewellyn and Lars Torp. The photograph shows the new Atalaya Captain, Salim Manji handing over the trophy to the Guadalmina Captain.



Baviera Golf, Islantilla Golf Resort and Golf Almerimar hosted during the day the youth circuits and Benjamín of Andalusia.

In total, the three areas have participated more than 260 players under 16 years old, have played 18 holes in the format of Stroke Play, Scratch for categories of cadets, children's and juveniles, and 9-hole for the benjamin category.

In the central area, Baviera Golf, Daniel Casas - Benalmadena - Golf and Evelina Stanikova - of the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina - won with 80 and 83 strokes respectively.

For the Cadets Category, the Malaga player of the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina, Ángel Hidalgo, and the player of Guadalhorce, Pilar Martínez, were champions with 73 and 75 strokes

Two of our players deserves a special mention for their  second positions of our partners Alejandra Sánchez de la Fuente Alevin runner up, and Felipe Barrena second in  Infantil.

Golf Club without Courses Championship hosted at Guadalmina North

The North Course at Real Club de Golf Guadalmina hosted the " Golf Club without Courses" Chamionship.

With 23 teams from different Associations and Clubs from all Andalusia, who cannot have acces to the handicap system becuase these Clubs have no RANKED course by December 31st 2013.

The winnis team was fro  Club de Golf San pedro "A" José Duarte (Captain), Gonzalo Villalba, Francisco Luis Sánchez  y Pedro Ortega, with 231 Strokes.

Runner Up the  Club de Golf Marbella “B TEAM”, formed by José Mª Gil (Capitán), José Luis Fernández, Diego Lozano y Salvador Gil with 240 strokes.

In the Handicap category the winner was Club de Golf Banús “A”, with David Fernández, Antonio López, Pedro Sánchez (Captain) and Amador Álvarez.

The best individual score was fro Mr. manuel Vilches, and also two Ladies participan were awarded Marta López Alda and Ana Mª Abad.

The price giving ceremony was atteded by Ángel de la Riva Gómez, President Real Federación Andaluza de Golf;  Marc Mueller, Comité de Competición Real Club de Golf Guadalmina; Manuel Martín Lara,  Vocal Clubs sin Campos RFGA; y Jesús Calvo, Arbitro Principal del Torneo.

Winning team

Ángel Hidal Champion Cadeter, Boys Junior in the International Andalusian Champioship

Santa Clara Golf Granada has welcomed the international championships of Andalucia Junior, Boy, Girl and Cadet 2014, which involved a total of 81 players during a  two-days event, 18-hole daily each, according to the format Stroke Play during yesterday and today.

This edition has concluded with resounding success players Ángel Hidalgo (Real Club de Golf Guadalmina), Lucila Puente (Real Club de Sevilla), Ignacio Puente (Real Club de Sevilla), and Mimi Rhodes (La Cañada), these four players won all the trophies.

Thus, Ángel Hidalgo was proclaimed champion male Cadet, Boy and Junior category with two rounds of 72 and 73 hits. Behind him, Ignacio Puente has been runner up in the same categories , who yesterday signed a brilliant turn of 69 hits and today has delivered a card of 77.

Our members Fermín López and José Luis Castañeira Master Senior European Champions

Last 19 to 22nd of August in the English course of East Sussex National took place the Master Senior Europena Champioship, the Spanish team was Champion in the handicap category, in the six team player two of our members played. Jose Luis Castañeira ( captain / Player ) and Fermín López .

