Great Results at La Duquesa

The past 8th of February our young players again did a great job in their categories.

We give congratulations to all participants and especially to Evelina Stanikova, female Alevin champion, and runner-up Alejandra Sánchez de la Fuente, as well as Alex Amey runner-up Benjamin and we would like also to mention Lucía Jiménez champion Girl, Noah Fernandes runner-up Alevín.

Keep working champions!!

Andalsian Cup 2014


Adrià Arnaus raised with victory in the men Andalusia Cup, test scoring for the World Rankings, Nacional y Andaluz, played at  Real Club de Golf Guadalmina


Catalan golfer has had an outstanding performance during the four days of the tournament, and after a final round of 66 strokes (6 under par), the best card of the day, it has certified the triumph with an extraordinary record of 272 hits (- 16).


The enormous superiority of Adrià Arnaus has been reflected in the ten shots of difference that has accumulated on Pablo Matesanz and Iván Cantero, runners up ex-aequo.


Then also tied, with 284 hits, have completed Santiago Vega de Seoane, Cuartero Emilio and Javier Sainz after signing 72, 73 and 72 strokes, respectively.


These days we have been able to enjoy the golf developed by these magnificent players, who unanimously praised the State of the South Course and the care dispensed by the staff of the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina.


Upon completion of the competition, began the ceremony of awards that counted with the presence of D. Ángel de la Riva Gómez, President of honour of the Royal Andalusian Golf Federation; D. Eugenio Alises Ripoll, President of the Management Committee of the RFGA; D. Juan Ramón Martínez Landazábal, President of the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina; D. Manuel Garvayo García, Acting President of the RFGA male Committee; D. Pablo Fisas Ayxelá, Member of the Committee men of the Royal Spanish Golf Federation; and D. Mansilla Pablo Garcia, referee of the tournament.


You might see some pictures by clicking on the following URL

New Green hole 10 North


Dear members:


We are pleased to inform you that the construction of the new green of the 10 hole of the North course has been completed, today the green have being seeded, and after the turfing of the aprons and the sand in the bunkers, only we have to wait for nature to take its course.


In a 10-week the creeping blue bent grass of the green will mature and it will be ready to receive the first mowing, and we hope that we enjoy the new green by mid-March.


In the additional information, you can see a report on the development of the works since the beggining of November when work started with the molding and shaping of the soil produced from the excavation of the maintenance shed , until today.



One year more Our Junior School has celebrated its PROAM annual, as you know the PROS mostly are Students of our school, which in their day were formed in Guadalmina, under the supervision of Francisco Hernández, who yesterday took part in the Tournament with his Students..




And the amateur were ACTUAL students from the Junior Academy


It was played under the modality of Scramble and the results showed clearly the highest level both professionals and amateurs.


It was a day of family and friendship among professionals, children and their parents, who enjoyed a lunch of fraternity in the Club,


The end result was.


CHAMPIONS the team formed by Sergio Guatierrez as Pro and the Amateur Antonio Cruz Conde, Evelina Stanikova, and Alex Amey.



SECOND classified Angel Ibáñez as Pro, and the Amateur Pablo Luque, Casilda Bayon and Gonzalo Diez of Oñate




THIRD classified Angel Hidalgo as Pro and the Amateur, Sofia García, Carlos Mendoza and Castor Gomez.




We would like to congratulate to all participants, and thank to Casto Gomez and his team of collaborators David, Ruben and Salva, and to Patricia Jiménez and Marc Mueller for his great work of organization.



And we cannot miss the opportunity to thank a great friend, who every year makes a tik in her  schedule of international tournaments to spend time with their friends professionals like her and the school children, as they have HER as a reference, not only for her golfing skills and her successes but mainly for their way she behaves both on and off the Golf Courses , we are talking clearly about Azahara Muñóz thank you champion!


See You All Next year ¡

Our range ball sponsored one more year by Barclays Bank

For 2014 Barclays Bank have continued supporting Real Club de Golf Guadalmina by the sponsorship of our Range Balls.

Mrs. Maria Luisa de Jesús Barclays Bank Guadalmina Branch Manager and Mr. Rocardo Guerrero Gascón from Colective Clients Department signed the agreement with Ignacio del Cuvillo representing Real Club de Golf Guadalmina.

R.C.G. Guadalmina members have, have to Barclays, besides this the possibility to obtain very attractive conditions while they pay their annual fees. 


Merry Christmas to All Members


Dear Members:
At this special time, we'd like to join the messages of happiness of your friends and family, and we take this opportunity to wish you a prosperous year 2014, full of peace and health.
We hope from the bottom of our hearts, that in the next year, we all enjoy good golfing times around  Guadalmina’s  Golf Courses.
Juan Ramón Martínez Landazábal
Real Club de Golf Guadalmina

New Members join the Electoral Rules Committee


Dear Members:
As announced in my letter from October 26th, and as expressed during the last AGM past November 20th , at the last Board Meeting held yesterday November 27th , The Board with the assistance of all its members ,unanimously approved to extend the number of members for the Electoral Committee with the specific tasks of revising the existing By Laws, Internal Rules and Regulation and specially the development of an Electoral Rules.
The board has tried to consider the suggestions of some members to use and improve earlier rules.  For this, the Club's secretary, Patricia Jiménez, and myself have reviewed the minutes of the board meetings and found that no electoral rules were documented or even mentioned in any of them by any previous administration. 
The Committee will be formed by:
  • Mrs. Patricia Jiménez
  • Mr. Ciaran Burke
  • Mr. Christer Palm
  • Mr. Daniel Musson
  • Mr. George Novelli.
Once these document, By Laws and Electoral and Internal Rules & Regulations are drafted, and approved at an Extraordinary General Meeting, and after the final approval from the Legal Advisory of the Sports and Tourism Council of the Junta de Andalucía, we , as a Board will consider that our term would have finished , and consequently we will call for  Elections.
We would like to thank Christer , Daniel and George, for their collaboration.
Yours sincerely
Juan Ramón Martínez Landazábal

Annual Report Gentlemen Interclub 2013

Mens Interclub, R.C.G.Guadalmina 2013 report

The men’s Interclub competition (4BBB) has been played now for over 22 years.
Our 2013 season has now come to an end. We played 6½ matches in the spring and 4 in the autumn. The “½” match in the spring was Atalaya away, which was postponed from 2012 due to rain.
Guadalmina had a very fine season with 8 wins, 2 losses and one halved. We only lost to el Parador 4½:7½ and 5½:6½ to la Quinta. We halved with San Roque, but since we won last year, we kept 8 out of 10 possible trophies at Guadalmina.
We beat Aloha, Atalaya, Real Club de Golf Las Brisas and los Arqueros in the spring and el Paraiso, Atalaya, Sta. Maria and Mijas in the autumn.
A total of 45 different players from a total of 11 nations participated, and no player has signed without being given at least one match during the season. I want to take this opportunity to thank the 45 fine players and Ignacio for a great season with good help and support to make such a successful first season for me as Captain possible. 
Thanks to these fine players and fine courses at Guadalmina, we remain an asked and popular Club to play for our opponent’s. All matches are played in a very good and friendly but competitive atmosphere.
The 2014 season is organized. We shall be playing all the same Clubs as in 2013 plus one. – Unfortunately we missed  Real Club de Golf Sotogrande in 2013 after many years of playing. This was due to the fact that they were told to cut these matches down by half. I am happy to announce that the match vs Real Club de Golf Sotogrande now is back for Guadalmina in 2014, where we play them in November.
November 26th,  2013, Lars Torp (Captain)

Interclub Men vs Santa maría


The match was played at home on the Guadalmina South course and Guadalmina won 6:0 and played at Santa Maria where Guadalmina won 3½:2½ a total win for Guadalmina of 9½:2½. The team playing for Guadalmina consisted of Joe Llewellyn, Claes Forsgårdh, Dan Mörn, Ken Weights, Hans Kaiser, Jose Duarte, Gary Copmson, Aurelio Lora Gimenez, Sam Gardezi, Antonio Guerrero, John Marry, Kristian Bergland, Paco Guerrero, Peter Cullen, Michael Canty and Lars Torp (Capt.) - Both days were played in very fine weather and two golf courses in a very fine shape.

It was the 15th year the two clubs met in this competition and the accumulated result is 9½ wins for Guadalmina and 5½ for Santa Maria. - The photograph shows the trophy being handed over to the happy Guadalmina Captain, Lars Torp.