Andalusian Circuit Lauro Golf

With a participation record of 20 children from the school and 5 winners started the 2nd phase of the Andalusian youth international circuit in the Lauro Golf course this past September 22.

Congratulations to the Veterans Antonio Cruz-Conde, Champion Boy, and Natalia Segura , Champion Girl, also we like to congratulateLaura Gomez, runner - up in Girls and Lucía Jiménez, runner-up in Cadet.

In addition, Antonio, Natalia and Laura have been the only participants par or beat or par the course with PAR two and one under par respectively.

And in her first participation in a tournament circuit, Evelina Stanikova also gets second place in category Benjamin


Interclub Spanish Championship REALE

Evelina Stanikova, Elena Lukas Pany and Alvaro Mueller-Baumgart have represented the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina in the Championship of Spain Interclub REALE which has played at Guadalhorce Club de Golf

Our team was the youngest of all, they were classified 22 by handicap and have reached a good position 15 scratch and even third handicap. !Congratulations! 4 and the Captain Luis Mansilla and our director of school Castor Gomez, who accompanied them without getting tired and encouraged them during the three days of the tournament and the practice round.

International Andalusian Competition

Yesterday during the  Campeonato Internacional Bejamin, Alevín Infantil y Cadete de Andalucía Felipe Barrena almost made it,  hi finnished only one shot behind the leader, in the last hole after 36 he missed a birdie put, after three maginificient shots from tee to green, he faced the put, very calmed, and almost holed in, it looked like the Open, emotion , suspens, and a big round of aplause, Congratulations Felipe for your runner up.
We would like also to congratulate Lucía Jiménez in third position, with the same score than the runner up, and Christopher Bailey and Alejandra Sánchez, who ended in the top five.
You may found all result in the attached link.


Consturction of the new maintenance shed

Dear Members:

As scheduled, next Monday July 22nd we will start the construction of the NEW MAINTENANCE SHED on the 10 th hole North Course.
As from that day we will play the temporary green built for that purpose.
The course has been homologated by the R.F.E.G., and for that reason all qualifying competitions played on the NORTH COURSE will be VALID for handicap.
Distance marks have been changed according to the new length of the hole which are 458 meters for gentlemen and 350 meters for Ladies.
We have maintained the par 5 and the handicap 2 of the hole.
The Slope rate and course rate have changed please find the course information the new handicap adjustments.

Andalusian Couples Championship

Our Juniors did extremelly well at the Copul,es Andalusian Championship played at El Parador de Torremolinos:

Laura Gómez , playing with Isable Bascuas ( from Novo Sancti Petri ) won the Ladies Championship, while Casto Gómez and Antonio Cruz-Conde were second in the Gentlemen category.

Antonio Cruz- Conde performed a great tournamet by winning the Individual Category.

You can find additional information by click on the following links