Great results of our Juniors

In the Final of The Circuito Andaluz our Junios performed at an incredible level.

Runner up Benjamin: Alejandra Sanchez De La Fuente Molino Champion  Girl and Ranking winner: Laura Gomez Ruiz              Champion  Cadete and Ranking winner:   Angel Hidalgo Portillo Champion  Boy: Antonio Cruz Conde Rodriguez Guerra



New Club storage room and Caddy Master project

Dear members:

The additional information will show all details of the project of the Club Storage Room  and and Caddy Master, which will start in the near future together with the new maintenance area.

In the following days thyou may observe the construction of a new access to the tee of hole 1 of the North fcourse and to the driving range, once it is finished, the area for the construction will be restricted, by the placement of fences, described in the safety and health plan.

We regret the inconveniences that may originate in the following months, but we feel sure that once the works are completed we will benefit from a modern and functional facilities that will help to improve the service which Members deserve.

Interclub R.C.G. Guadlamina vs El Parador

We played on Saturday 6th April against el Parador Golf Club at home on our South Course. It was a beautiful day and our team managed to win 3½:2½. We were not sure that it was enough, which proved to be right. The return-match was played Sunday the 14th at the Parador in the most perfect conditions with bright sunshine. In a no "wind at all day" it was breath taking at the Parador course at seaside. - In spite of the (for us) bad result 5:1 for the Parador club team, we had a wonderful day with nice company, a course in a great shape, nice food and everything other than the result was fantastic. - The only Guadalmina players who made a win was two of the "corner stones" in our team, Olaf Eie and Paco Guerrero. The two clubs have played this competition for now 10 years with a total of 7 wins for Guadalmina and 3 for the Parador.

The photograph shows the two teams at the nice lunch table at the Parador.


Once that we have reached an agreement with Francisco Hernandez our Head Pro after his retirement, he will start again with the COLLECTIVE LESSONS  as from MOonday April 15 , every MONDAY AN TUESDAY  from 09:30 to 11:30 at the DRIVING RANGE.

We remind member that these are collective lesson

Francisco will also continue with the training of the Ladies Team.


Interclub R.C.G. Guadalmina vs La Quinta

Our team played on the 3rd April the return match at Guadalmina north.

Guadalmina won the match 4½ : 1½. However as la Quinta won the match at la Quinta 5:1 they won the all over 6½ - 5½. For Guadalmina played Paco Guerrero. Herlov Langgard, Miguel Gutierez, Kristian Bergland, Lennart Wiberg, Hans Ahlbom, Hans Kaiser, Peter Cullen, Antonio Gil Gil, Olaf Eie, Mats Liss-Daniels, Jose Duarte and Lars Torp. It was the 13th year the two teams competed. The accumulated result is 7½ wins to Guadalmina contra 4½.

However the matches lately has been very tight with wins to Guadalmina 2010 and 2012 and to la Quinta 2011 and now 2013. The match this year was as tight as can be. In fact as Captain for Guadalmina I am sorry to admit that I could have changed the result completely. By tee off on the 18th hole my match was even. On the green I had a birdie pot for a win. I missed the birdie but got the par for a share. - With that birdie the all over result would have been 6:6 and the trophy would have stayed at Guadalmina since we had it from 2012. Of course many shuts or puts could have been different with 24 players over 2 rounds - but it was in my hands at that point of time

- sorry guys!