Real Club de Golf Guadalmina won both categories Handicap and Scratch in the ABSOLUTE ANDALUSIAN INTERCLUB, see the picture

1ª CATEGORY SCRACTH WINNER Antonio Cruz-Conde, José María Barrena and the brothers Juan and Pablo Krauel

2º CATEGORY SCRATCH WINNER Antonio Guerrero, Minoo Gazdar, Sebastián Peña and Juan Ortega,

1ª CATEGORY HANDICAP WINNER Cristobal Mena , Vicente Holgado, Francisco Bernal y Juan Bernal

2º CATEGORY HANDICAP WINNER Crhis Bayleys , Christian Reynders, Francsico Castaño , Luis Mansilla

Special Offer R.C.G.Guadalmina members

The Golden Swing Golf Academy in Marbella offers R.G.G. Guadalmina Members special discounts and the possibility of useg restricted practice areas.

If you are interested please contact the Golden Swing Golf Academy at 952929687.

The Golden Swing Golf Academy offer an introductory 30´´ golf lesson to all Members.

In the additional information you may find a location plan.

Azahara wins the WORLD MATCH PLAY

Our Honourary Member Azahara Muñoz won the Sybase Match Play Championship after defeating Candie Kung.

Azahara beated Morgan Pressel in semi finals with three birdies y the last three holes.

In the final the front nine ended all square, but Azahara won holes 11, 12 and 16 and finnished on the 17th 2&1.

FroReal Club de Golf Guadalmina we would like to congratulate Azahara.

Works carried out on holes 5 and 15 SOUTH COURSE

Dear Members:

Last week DURING OUR MAINTENANCE WEEK ON THE SOUTH COURSE,  Required our collaboration to solve an important problem with the swage pipes of the Urbanization Guadalmina Baja.

The company GENERAL DE VIALES S.L.  supervised by our staff connected the existing pipes to the main collector by hte River Guadalmina, crossing holes 5 and 15 on South Course.

After completion the company CESPESOL S.L. returfed the affected area  and repaired all damages.

The area is marked as GROUN UNDER REPAIR ,  and for the next two weeks  we kindly require from members to follow the indications, and do not drive over the area with buggies or trolleys crossing the marked area using the buggy path.

The TOWN HALL of Marbella has expressed their deepest gratitude for our contribution in solving these problems.


In the additional information you will see the letter signed by Miguel Troyano Major of San Pedro Alcántara and some pictures of the works carried out

Our Member did great at Atalaya

Our Members Margarita Fernández Pascual and María José Hidalgo won at the Spanish Senior Champinship played at Atalaya fro the 11th to the 13th of May.

Margarita scored 196 shots to win the Scratch championship y fourth category, and Maria José with 214 shots finnished in fisrt position in handicap in second category.

Congratulations, to both Ladies Members of Real Club de Golf Guadalmina, an extended picture in the additional infromation

Interclub Vs Los Arqueros

Guadalmina won 9 : 3 against Los Arqueros 18th and 25th ofApril. Thus Guadalmina has won 6 of the 7 interclub matches of the winter / spring season. Next match will be October 2nd against El Paraiso.

The Guadalmina team was represented by Antonio Gil, Hans Kaiser, PaulHeaton, Joe Llewellyn, Herlov Langgard, Paco Guerrero, Jose Duarte, Eusebio Sierra, Peter Cullen, Pedro Irujo, Mats Liss-Daniels and Olaf Eie (capt).

The picture shows players from both teams during the lunch at Los Arqueros.


WINE D.O. Granada Colaborates with Four Seasons

The Wines D.O. Granad have shown their interest in colaborating with our Four Seasons next Sunday April 21st .

This iniciative promoted by our member Adela Richer is looking to incorportae a wine D.O. for each Tournament.

Next summer we expect D.O. Wines from Málaga to be our next colaborator.

In the attached information you will find information about D.O. Wines from Granada.

Winners 2012 President Cup and Competition Comittee Cup

Past weekend took place teh Presidents Cup and The Comité de Competición Cup.

In 2012 the Scratch ( Presidents Cup ) winners were

Chrsitina Birke ( Ladies )

Javier Luque Fernández Regatillo ( Gentlemen )

Haiko Dana ( Junior )

In this edition the Scratch winners also won the Handicap category ( Competition Comittee Cup ) and according to the rules the trophy was handed to the second best handicap results

Maria José Hidalgo Navarro ( Ladies )

Michel Peston ( Gentlemen )

Felipe Barrena ( Junior )

In the attached information you can see the picture of all winners.