Interclub RCG Guadalmina vs La Quinta

La Quinta beat Guadalmina home 4:2 on the 12th of April, and Guadalmina beat La Quinta 3,5 : 2,5 away on the 15th., on a course that was in a splendid condition.

The total result was then 5,5 : 6,5. Over the 10 years we have been playing, Guadalmina has won 6 times and lost 3. One year was halved.

The attatched picture shows the two teams surrounding the La Quinta Captain Manuel Maneira holding the trophy.

Seve Ballesteros Foundation Tournament

Probably due to the fact that the Tournament was scheduled at the same time in more than 150 Clubs all over Sapin, that we did not manage to get an entrance according to the tradition of R.C.G. Guadlamina when is about a Charity Tournament.

Nevertheless it was a great golfing day, and a tribute to one of the most incredible golfers ever, also a contribution to a noble cause.

Congratulations to the winners, and let´s hope they get lucky and win the raffle to visit Seve and play golf in Pedreña.

Incredible results at Medina Elvira ( Granada )

Our Junior Section is used to win in many competitions , but what happned last Saturday April 2nd at Medina Elvira was close to perfection:

Out of 14 players we managed to come back with 9 trophies, and some scores were amazing.

Haiko Dana Campeón Boys 69 shots

Natalia Ruiz Pavon Subcampeona Girl 78 shots

Antonio Cruz - Conde Campeón Cadete Masculino 69 shots

Laura M. Gómez Campeona Cadete Femenina 72 shots

Ángel Hidalgo Portillo Campeón Infantil 72 shots

Lucía Jiménez Campeona Infantil 75 shots

Mónica Ruiz Campeona HCP Infantil 79 shots

Lukas Pany Campeón Benjamín Masculino

Elena Pany Campeona HCP Benjamín Femenino


Interclub R.C.G. Guadalmina vs El Parador

Guadalmina beat El Parador 8 : 4  playing 1st of April away and 5th of April home. The Parador course was in perfect condition after the Andalucian Open the week before, but with very tricky greens, as one could see on TV. It was therefore a good effort by Guadalmina to win away 4,5 : 1,5.

The team consisted of  Matti Pohjola, Olaf Eie, John Marry, Peter Cullen, Angel Ibanez, Joe Llewellyn, Salvador Tamayo, Antonio Guerrero, Antonio Vera, Juan Jimenes, Hans Kaiser, Paco Guerrero, Dan Mørn.

>The picture shows Peter Cullen and John Marry holding the trophy, which Guadalmina has won 7 out of 8 times.

Francisco Hernandez time schedule lessons

With the winter time schedule change, We would like to inform  that the practice lessons  by Francisco Hernández our  Club Pro, will start on Tuesday and Thursday as from 16:00 hrs. until 18:00 hrs. as from March 27th until October 30th

Members may wish to ask for advice from Francisco Hernandez on their game.

We remind Members that these lessons are held collectively and free of charge.