Dear Members:

Due to the numer of players the Committee has decided to change the format, it will be played under Texas Scramble with 3 or 4 players per team.



In the event of 4 players teams the highest handicap will not be considered to obtain the playing handicap of the team.



4 players teams will select  four tee shots of each players, leaving two tee shots at the discretion of the team captain.



3 players teams will select  five tee shots of each player, leaving three tee shots at the discretion of the Team Captain.

Staff time schedule during Christmas

Dear Members:

Real Club de Golf Guadalmina STAFF wish you Merry Crsitmas and Happy 2011.

We would like also to inform you about the oppening hours of different departments next Friday December 17th , Saturday 25th and Saturday January 1st.

We appreciate your collaboration and hope you have a great time with your family and friends

Real Club de Golf Guadalmina STAFF