Azahara Muñoz Guijarro Honourary Member

In the picture we see a smiling Azahara, together with our President, D. Antonio Guerrero once received the title of Honorary Member of the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina.

Many members and friends joined Azahara’s relatives during the event, which was attended by the Mayor of Marbella, Angeles Muñoz, and the Mayor of San Pedro Alcántara D. Miguel Troyano, who directed some emotive words due to his proximity to Azahara and her family, whom he recognized did know for many years, as member of Real Club de Golf Guadalmina.

The President of the Real Federación Andaluza de Golf, D. Angel de la Riva, wanted to join since the distance to the event, sending a letter that was handed by D. Manuel Garvayo, along with a bouquet of flowers.

Azahara thanked the recognition emotionally, to her parents, Members of the Real Club de Golf Guadalmina, staff, teachers … thanks to them that they were supporting not only when accompanied by success but also in those moments were not as good.

We are confident that from this day Azahara feels that Real Club de Golf Guadalmina, even more so, is  "Her Home" like it has been and always will be.

Azahara 8.jpgplaca de azahara web.pdfplaca de azahara web.pdf