Captains Day, Nations Cup and Past Captains Day

It was a month of October full of very special days, but 3 of them deserve a singular mention.


The Captain's, in which the captains of the male and female section organized a fantastic day on October 13th, with a mixed fourball in the South Course, including gala dinner (prepared with great care by Dantonelas Group). An opera singer culminated the celebration with a brilliant performance. The victory was for the couple formed by Pedro Ángel Alonso and Begoña Urcelay.


The Spanish team was the winner of the historic Nations Cup, and Marguerite Jordan (2017 captain) won the 18th edition of the Cup of the past Captains.


Our most sincere congratulations to the winners and, of course, to all the members that participated, because thanks to you these emblematic Cups are still celebrated year after year. Members: You are Guadalmina!

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