May Junior Tournaments

3 Federative Championships with many podiums for the students of our school throughout the month of may

During May were held various Championships by the Andalusian Federation: Pequecircuito for children up to 11 years and without national handicap, Pitch & Putt: Andalusia Championship under-21 and youth circuit for the Andalusian Ranking.  

As we are getting used to it, perhaps too much, our students did performed in a great way in all these competitions.  


Great children's Party in our club.  Thanks to the Caddy Master staff for their help in the impeccable organisation and the development of the event with more than 130 children of Andalusia and a few of our children picking up prices:

  • Casilda Bayón, champion Benjamin 8 years
  • Samuel Ramírez, runner-up Benjamin 10 years
  • Valería Ramírez, 3rd Benjamin 8 years  
  • Mencia Castaño, 3rd Alevín 11 years
  • Alejandro Tamayo , 5th Benjamin 8 years ANDALUSIA under 21 Championship of PI…



 Two champions, a runner-up and many good results in the Championships of Andalusia masculine and feminine Sub 21 Pitch & Putt:

Congratulations to Alexander Amey, champion Andalusia Benjamin, Laura Gómez, champion Andalusia Mateo Ruiz, runner-up Alevín and runner-up handicap

Participated 21 children of the school. Apart from those listed above, also did a great job Angel Hidalgo, 3rd Scratch Boy, Alvaro Mueller-Baumgart 4 to 1 shot behind to the play-off and Samuel Rodriguez, 4th handicap Benjamin and tied with the first 3.



Finally yesterday participated 22 school children in the youth Circuit held in La Cañada and again had a few podium finishes for our club.


  • David Waller, champion Scratch and Handicap of the child category with 74 gross and net 65
  • Elena Pany, runner-up Infantil Scratch and Handicap
  • Alejandra Sánchez de la Fuente, runner-up Alevin Scratch and Handicap
  • Alexander Amey, runner-up Benjamin Scratch
  • Calvin Greschner, runner-up Boys Scratch

congratulations to all the winners and all the children who strive every day to practice, improve and participate in the Championships.        (Photos attached)

logo sin fechas.JPGPequecircuito.pdfPequecircuito.pdf