Valeria and Aitor win in the final of the Circuit.

The change of host course venue  for the final of the Circuit, because of the closure of our P&P course due to the heavy rains, to the P & P of the School of Miguel Angel Jímenez in Torremolinos did not perturbed our young talents. 

In "unknown" terrain they have defended themsleves  in a wonderfull way .

Valeria Ramírez obtained the first position of the championship and the annual ranking in the female category under 8 years and Aitor Macias the runner – up of the special category with only 35 shots gross in this demanding short Course 

Congratulations to both!

AITOR Y VALERIA.jpg1210 Final Pequecircuito 2016.pdf1210 Final Pequecircuito 2016.pdf